Tony's stash of textual information


I can't write poems I can't take a photograph Creative self-doubt

Simple game. Few rules. Fun and laughter in childhood Give me back those days


Two young men walked into a bar. J had clothed himself in his usual way: a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, hat-less. Whereas Y had chosen a floral-print button-up shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and a baseball cap.

They sat next to each other at the bar counter, saying nothing to each other.

J's dessert punctuated the silence. Its arrival elicited a puzzled look from J.


  1. performed on a Shigeru Kawai grand piano. (Music: “Forbidden Love” by S.E.N.S., the theme music of a Japanese television drama “Nisen-nen no Koi”, or “Love 2000”). 8 December 2021, approximately. Location: No. 176, Orchard Road.
  2. performed on a Bechstein grand piano, and an Bechstein upright. (Tchaikovsky's Nocturne, Op. 19, No. 4). 14 November 2023. Location: Block 3014, Bedok Industrial Park E.
  3. performed inside a ballroom of a hotel,

Brick-and-mortar book-shops have been closing down, one after another.

I'm trying to contribute where I can, in as appropriate a manner as possible, with what little strength that remains in these frail arms.


I attended a screening of a documentary, at a nearby cinema.

It was about how humans manage – or fail to manage – industrial waste, and consumer waste. There were a lot of statistics in the documentary.

It ended on an carefully curated optimistic note:


In other words, what do I want to work on, moving forward?

  1. Apply for a subsidy in renting a public house. (here be formidable bureaucratic dragons). c.f.: Mei Ying.
  2. Toil away at a higher-salary job so that I can afford a more expensive house. (But why would I want a more expensive house, in the first place?). Become a piano-teacher, maybe? Or, a software-salesman? CRM, ERP?

Darren suggested future directions.

HCAC: private acting school with various short courses of styles and methods.

Nine Years Theatre: Actor Training


Improvised acting.

Games, and exercises, to build up confidence and reflexes.

  • stand in a circle. Next person asks you: “what are you doing?” That next person has to do what you say. For example, you might say: “I am playing soccer on the moon.”
  • enter a space. put in, or take out something. Exit the space. Then, the next person has to evolve the story.

Ways of using your body to convey feelings.

  • disgusted: your body is tensing up
  • overjoyed: you are walking on a bed of roses
  • frustrated: your guts are twisting


Interactions with the world of theatre in Singapore.

  1. Signed up for a course of study, at National University of Singapore. “GEK1055: The Theatre Experience”. (2014). Conducted by Paul Alexander Rae.
  2. watched a play. “The House of Bernarda Alba.” (Produced by Wild Rice). 2014. Location: Drama Centre, National Library Board Building.
  3. Acted in a short film, with Wong Souk Yee, and Jason Soo. 2014.
  4. Experienced Recess Time, by The Theatre Practice. 2019. Location: 58 Waterloo Street, Singapore.
  5. Watched a recording of an opera. “Faust”. (Produced by Royal Opera House in the United Kingdom). 2019

This list is not exhaustive.

Kitchen Staff

  1. Qian Ling, full-time