I have benefitted from the labours of poets and poetesses from decades past – and centuries past – and I have no way of expressing my gratitude except to “pay it forward” (as the younger set says) – I have received freely and now I give freely.
In no particular order, I list poems that have helped me at pivotal moments in my life.
Storms and waves on every side
But Jesus says, “no need to hide”
only in a still, small voice
can we hear the whispers of Christ
Oh! clang and noise of war!
and our wounds so sore!
“where is God?” we cry helplessly
but Jesus says,
“I'm in the boat, with thee”
“do you believe –
wind and sea obey me –
or, do you crave –
even more faith – ?”
as wise elders say:
the greatest thing you can learn
is to love
and be loved in return
Picture by Rembrandt, (1633). Christ in the storm on the lake of Galilee.
Lyrics popularised by Nat King Cole, in the song, titled “Nature Boy” (1948): The greatest thing you'll ever learn / is just to love / and be loved in return.