Tony's stash of textual information


I want to hurry to witness the pastel colours of a (sky at the time of) sun-rise – it is now near the time in the early morning when the birds, somewhat near my bed, start chirping after their nocturnal silence – so I shall endeavour to be concise.

Reportedly, the text of a work by a Gottfried August Bürger appears in a work of the famous Ludwig van Beethoven, “Gegenliebe”, WoO. 118 no. 2 (1794-95). (according to a web-site, the Internet-address of which I provide later).


I don't know when I started noting the musical compositions that have been featured in what little I've read of the manga-series 'Nodame Cantabile',


I reproduce the text of three songs in the record 'Mi jardín solitario; Madrigal y cinco canciones sefardíes; Concierto de cienfuegos'. The texts are by Celedonio Romero (1913 – 1996), as translated into English by Susannah Howe.

First, the song 'Soledad!'

Let the horse run free, don't pull on his reins, for the day may come when you want him to run but can't

Don't let your heart be tainted by evil, and if love has gone... let it go, Soledad!