Hi guys, just a conversation starter prompted by a friend who is very involved in community organisation:
– What are people’s thoughts around the topic of mutual aid and charity?
– What do these terms mean to you, and how are they different?
– How do they show up in your life, if at all?
– What questions emerge from this brief reflection?
Let me answer briefly.
What are people’s thoughts around the topic of mutual aid and charity?
I think people do want to help others – who may not be related by blood to them – they just don't know how. (and, indeed, who to help). but my own experience has been that when I was in severe desperate need, the right help came at the right time.
“charity” seems like a tainted word in Singapore – incentivised by tax deductions and appearances on Lists of Honoured Donors -
“mutual aid” was something new to me, I only learnt about it during Covid times – but burn-out became a real thing – the organisers were burnt out – I wasn't an organiser, just a participant in my own small way – but my phone was ringing at strange hours with desperate, gut-wrenchingly worded requests for food and cash – it seemed I was slipping into an endless ocean of endless suffering.
I had to limit my own involvement in mutual aid, for my own peace-of-mind.
Two young men walked into a bar. J had clothed himself in his usual way: a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, hat-less. Whereas Y had chosen a floral-print button-up shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and a baseball cap.
They sat next to each other at the bar counter, saying nothing to each other.
J's dessert punctuated the silence. Its arrival elicited a puzzled look from J.