re-union of sorts

Over a time-period of approximately ten months – from 18th September 2023 A.D., to 14th July, 2024 A.D – I experienced an encounter with people from my past. I think of it as a milestone in my journey thus far.

I list those people in no particular order:

  1. Crystal, Nan Hua Media And Debating (MAD) Club, 2004
  2. Goh Shi Bin, Nan Hua, 2005
  3. Yu Ting, NJC Harmonica Band, 2007
  4. Hwee Hwee, NJC Harmonica Band, 2008
  5. Tay Yi, 35SCE, 2009
  6. Yong Rui Xuan, NUS SoC, 2011
  7. David Bensadon, entrepreneur (in the field of domestic helpers), 2015

I made some new friends in this period too. Well, maybe they don't think of me as a close friend, but they do address me by my chosen name, at least:

  1. Pei Song and Ashley, Cathedral
  2. Clare, trained in Classical Piano Performance
  3. Stephen, middle-aged man, and his female partner, who have a habit of requesting for two cups of hot water
  4. Mr. Lee, another middle-aged man, who seems fond of curry buns and sourdough
  5. Sherry, who believes in near-death experiences, and “returning from the other side”
  6. Artina (“Ina”) from the Balkans, who once attended a night of poetry recitation, in the genre of Spoken Word.
  7. Yan, the only male sibling among a triplet.

To look at it from another perspective – I'm sure there are countless people and creatures whose lives have changed for the unimaginable, in this period! One can't help but shiver in anticipation at what wondrous, majestic work God – Adonai Elohei Sabaoth, Lord of the Armies of Heaven – is doing in some as-yet-unknown part of the Universe!

To end by echoing the Psalmist of the Holy Bible:

I praise you, God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, that I know full well.
