Poor indications regarding the arts in Singapore.

A famous luthier (a violin-maker) came to Singapore from France, and wanted to give a talk. The moment I heard about it, I wondered who would attend it. I decided to show up.

I was the only one in the audience.

(A British lady's jaw dropped when she heard the above report from me).

And, when I visited National Gallery of Singapore, I heard other visitors ask the staff about an exhibit: “what does this Chinese text mean? I can only read English.”

(It was a newspaper article from decades ago, featuring the artist called Georgette Chen).

The staff gave a non-response.

Eventually the other visitors asked me – since I was poring over the Chinese text – and I gave them an answer that I hope is satisfactory.

I received no money for offering such information. Whereas I guess the non-responsive staff receive a salary.