On sex education, little children who view pornography, and Lord Jesus Christ

It has come to my attention that young children have distorted ideas about sex after viewing mainstream pornography, which – in the absence of any constructive discourse, in their family, schools or otherwise – has become their de facto sex education, as ghastly as the idea may seem.

To give an example, a popular depiction in porn is sex between step-fathers and step-daughters. But this is not a normal relationship, and children shouldn't be thinking it is normal, especially if they are pressured into such a sexual arrangement.

Alas, the few alternatives to porn that exist – such as Cindy Gallop's initiative, https://makelovenotporn.tv – face marginalisation in society. For example, Ms. Gallop reports that it is difficult for her to access banking services as a sex-oriented business.

But I take heart that Lord Jesus Christ will punish anyone who entices these little children into sin. (For example, see the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 18, Verses 6 & 7).