An art critic in Singapore

Mr. T. K. Sabapathy (born in 1938) seems well-regarded among cultural institutions in Singapore, such as the Singapore Art Museum.

But Mr. Sabapathy writes [see footnote], regarding a painting of a nude: “the breasts are contoured in black lines in order to accentuate their erogenous appeal”.

But when he wrote “erogenous appeal”, he probably meant “erotic appeal”.

now, why did he choose the word “erogenous” over “erotic”? Is it a momentary forgetfulness? Or does he not know the existence of the word “erotic”?

In this light, I have to question the quality of the rest of his writing. That is, does he obscure his writing with ill-chosen words in order to convey a sense of pomp? Or do I give him the benefit of the doubt?

It is an important question for me to consider, since there is an approximately 400-page book of Mr. Sabapathy's writings that I may – or may not – want to read.

[1] in the book titled “Teo Eng Seng: Art and thoughts”. Page 41. Published by Ethos Books, 2011.