An invitation to God's Paradise

So many horrendous things have been done in this pandemic , with powerful people justifying it by saying with a carefully resigned voice, “it is because of Covid. Let's wait one more week.”

(But one week becomes one month, and one month becomes one year.)

But of course, this is entirely predictable of mankind. If mankind so brutually abused a sinless Son of God who arrived 2021 years ago, how can mankind spare me, a sinner?

And yet Lord Jesus invites sinners to repent and enter God's Paradise, even today.

As an apostle says in the Bible: “draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”

If today you are reading this on the Internet, and want to put your sins behind you, please know that God forgives you of all your sins, in the name of Lord Jesus Christ, beloved Son of God who has risen from the dead (yes, it requires faith to believe that).

O sinner, Paradise stands open to you. Sin no more, and follow God's laws!

Yours, A sinner saved by God