acting, classes, 4 out of 8

Acted with Ariel using a practice-script, titled “Come in, Nielsen”.

As things turned out, our scene became a confrontation between two hostile criminals.

Darren directed us. His guidance to me included: “let your pose inform your voice. Whatever that means to you.”

Topic for today: the various resonating factors in your body, for your voice.

Received our roles for our Final Presentation. I'm paired up with Asha. The script is titled “MRT”.

My character is a young man, old enough to be a motorcycle-riding grandson of a guilt-ridden grandmother.

“I got retrenched without much notice. I don't know how to break the news to my wife. I wore office clothes while leaving our house, to put up a pretence of employment when I'm actually unemployed.”

Questions for my character:
